We had 3 days of crit racing this weekend at the Tulsa Tough. It was an exciting weekend for the team because it was our first time racing with the full squad, and some of our awesome sponsors were down at the races to watch us. Tulsa is always a welcoming venue with an amazing set up and great crowds. But the temps in the 90s sure add to the tough factor!!
Day 1 played out pretty close to plan. The team went out hard with attacks, counter attacks, and more attacks. The race was fast and fun! Eventually we got a break of 4 to go off with our sprinter in the break. Unfortunately another sprinter also got in the break and when it came down to the end she just eeked our rider out for the win. Back in the main field we had a bit of chaos -- with one teamie breaking a wheel and another sprinting a lap early, but Anne was able to pull out a top 10 along with our 2nd place. All in all a good day for our first time racing all together.
Day 2 we set our hopes higher and had a similar game plan -- make the race hard, try to get a break, and if that fails set up the sprint. We went out hard but the course did not suit a breakaway. We ended up wearing ourselves out a bit and instead of moving up the podium, we missed out on it all together. We took the race as a learning experience -- and I think the experience made us all fired up and hungry for a better race on Sunday.
Day 3 ups the "tough" factor with a brutal course. Every lap included a steep little kicker known as "crybaby" hill and the sun came out with sizzling rays. Our team was fired up and ready to go. The fans were also on top of their game with costumes and hoses and lots of energy on top of the hill! The race is one of attrition with people constantly falling off the back... but our team stayed up front and strong throughout the race. We nabbed the first prime... and then the second... and also the third and the fourth. I think we got them all. But with three and a half laps to go, Anne put the icing on the cake with a late race breakaway. She powered away from the field and nobody could follow. She secured us the win and Gokey pulled out a sprint to get a top 5 and take the omnium win for the series! It was a great team effort and a fantastic finish to the weekend.
To top things off, our awesome hosts set up a delicious and relaxing dinner for us after the race. It was the perfect ending to a great weekend.
Off to NVGP!