Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Winning Team

Seeing a teammate bring home the well deserved win after a hard race is sometimes a better feeling than winning yourself...

(photo credit: Steve Anderson)

... and stacking the podium is always fun!
(photo credit: Jason Perry)

Team Rambuski Law had a good weekend! 3 1sts, 2 2nds, and 1 3rd!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rubin Meets Cyclocross

Rubin is new to 'Cross, and he loves it!
(look how happy he is!)

Here he is with his "Cycloross outfit"
(He can't wait to get to the races!)

And here he is on the top step of the CCCX podium!!

(He likes being on the podium with so many Rambuski Law racers!)