Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Went back to Chicago for a week after being gone for almost a year. I got a few rides in on the lakefront path during my time back in chi-town. It's amazing how even after a year, the nooks and crannies along the path are all imprinted in my mind. I still remember the cracks and holes to watch out for (with some new ones of course:) and the curves of the path are so familiar I feel the bike just goes on autopilot. As much as I love the mountains and variety that I have at my new home, part of me really does miss the LFP. It is nice being able to ride along the city without worrying about cars, to have beautiful views of the city line and lake Michigan along the whole route, and best of all to see friendly faces. Every day I went out to the path I saw someone I knew... teammates, race competitors, and friends. It never feels lonely on the LFP.

(Chicago riding)

In between LFP rides I kept very busy all week with school and catching up with friends. By the time the weekend came I was exhausted, but also excited for some fun cycling...

Saturday was one of my favorite races -- The Glencoe Grand Prix! I have always enjoyed the course, the organization, and the fun atmosphere at the race. The race promoters are also very supportive of women's racing which is really nice to see. They ask for feedback on how to make it better and listen... they've built bigger purses, given the 3's a separate category, and even brought in clinics before the races. I think it is not always the purses that matter, but also offering good races and catering to the up and coming categories that will help women's cycling continue to grow. Anyway, I've always liked this race for many reasons... not just because I've had good luck at it the last couple years.

This year, the race was especially fun because it felt like I came back to my cycling home. I got to see my cycling family again and hearing all the cheers and support during the race was unreal. The finishing straight, the Tati corner... all along the course I heard a ton of cheers. I wish I would have had more than a day at the Chicago races because there are so many people that I would have liked to see more of (or people I didn't get to see) -- I really miss the great community.

I did not finish up as lucky as I had in past years... I've never actually felt good in the Glencoe races with the heat and humidity that always seems to come full on for the race... so I really do feel like I've gotten lucky in past years. This year, I was just lucky to be home. And lucky to have a strong team that finished on the podium!

Sunday was another fun riding day -- I left the chicago flatness and found the closest "hills" with two of my favorite riding buddies. Even though the hills were more like bumps compared to CA, they crushed me after an exhausting week. I was zonked! I refueled with frozen custard, my favorite pizza (Piece -- mmmm), and ice cream (this is different that custard).

(super riding buddies in super sweet kits)

(hi-tech ice cream -- mmm)

Then a little more hanging out with friends before heading back to the west coast. It was sad leaving my old home again... but I was also happy to return to my new home.


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