Monday, November 15, 2010

2, 1, no bloody knees!

Stayed local this weekend. Although I really wanted to be in the mud and snow of fort collins, I had a lot of fun racing near home. Saturday was a night race in San Fran. Got off to a bad start (which is easy to do when you start in the last row), but eventually made my way to the front of the field and battled it out with Kerry and Gina for the last few laps. Couldn't manage the W, but hung on for second in a fun, tough race.

(photo credit: Jon Suzuki)

Sunday's race was even closer to home at the country fairgrounds. Should be good practice for Jingle (also taking place on fairgrounds), except it was sunny and hot... not snowy and cold. Ended up with the V on Sunday, but had to work hard for it with Karen hot on my heels.

(photo credit: Miss Mary Perez)

Best of all, I managed to stay upright all weekend and my knees came through unscathed for once! yay! (Oh, and I also saw a really cute puppy :)


  1. So where is the picture of the real cute puppy? :)

  2. I didn't get a picture -- i don't know what i was thinking. Sometimes after a race, ones brain isn't quite working straight :)
