Thursday, November 19, 2009

Nap Time!

a nap looks nice.... I wonder if the sea lions would let me join in on nap time...


  1. Nap time, nap time, or big sleep.
    At this time, in Limousin, France,it's the middle of the journey, and you're probably still in bed.
    Sorry for my bad english and I hope you're well recovered your fall this summer.

    "yuck" I haven't translation.
    Good or bad ?
    For me, brussel sprouts with potatoes and a pork roast's juice, mmmm, a delight.

  2. Yuck is a bad thing. I don't like brussel sprouts, but perhaps I just haven't had them prepared well :)

    Your English is much better than my French! I should work on that.

  3. Thanks Devon, and for your French's lessons, 2 or 3 years ago, I exchanged some mails with a french girl's rider who lived in South California.
    Borned in Franche Comté country, France, near the Bourgogne country precisely.

    And in this connection, Pink all the year, and about the 2010 summer ?

