Friday, October 22, 2010

Face Plant!

My bro face planted in the mud during his cross race -- check it out!

He was the crowd favorite for sure!! And still got top 5!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Cross Racing...

(zoom... photo credit to Jon Suzuki)

This weekend was a double cross weekend near home. Both courses were not typical cross courses... a lot more single track and rocks and dirt than I'm used to, but still a lot of fun. Both days were also a reminder of how you need a little luck on your side to win a bike race. Saturday, I had a bit of bad luck wiping out on a steep little kicker to lose the lead... which I was never able to regain. Still ended up in second to a strong opponent. We raced again the next day and I had a flat (a slow leak which was not a problem due to my super duper bike change -- thanks aspen!) and then decided to eat it on a run up of rocks (sorry knees). But my opponent had even more bad luck than me... 2 major flats (with no super duper pit help) plus a minor wipeout on the runup. She had a good gap on me, but after a major flat we were back together for the final lap...

(down to the last lap... I am looking kinda tired and bloody (photo credit: jon suzuki))

She was probably stronger on the day and more deserving of a win, but in the end the race came down to a sprint on the final straight and I had a lot of air in my tires to help with the sprint... and ultimately a W. It's always a bummer to lose a race and wonder what if and it's not quite as fun winning knowing that your opponent had a lot of bad luck, but that's cross racing. Gotto love it no matter the outcome!

You can tell by the funny faces below that my teammate and I are loving it!! :)
(funny face #1... maybe a tired face (photo credit: Dale Tapley))

(funny face #2... ok, maybe this is a game face (photo: Jon Suzuki)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oh boy Oh Boy!!!!

My ride just lost weight - 2 pounds lighter and very pretty! Thanks Bike Station!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hill Repeats

(photo credit: Steve Anderson -- he takes some awesome race pics)

I finally had a weekend at home which was nice after a busy month of travelling, racing, and festivities. After a lazy Saturday, Aspen and I loaded up the car for a local bike race on Sunday (I can't be lazy allll weekend). Last year, I felt a little lonely at the local races because I didn't really know anybody. It is fun to have a great group to race with this year and to start to know some of the awesome people that show up and race. The community is a part of cyclocross that I love!

The race was a brutal one which started with a hill climb, headed back down on a single track roller coaster, weaved through some sand, grass, and dirt... and then back to climbing a wall! It really was like hill repeats with some added 'cross fun in between. Add some dry air and heat, and it was a tough race. I made it up the first climb in second position and then took the lead at the bottom. I had chasers hot on my heels keeping the pressure on, but by the end of the first lap I managed to open a little gap. The gap grew a bit over the next lap, but the chasers were never out of sight and made me work hard for my first W of the cross season! My teammate, who probably wasted a bit of energy cheering me on as we criss-crossed paths during the race had a strong finish to take the last podium spot. We both went away with some delicious giant StrawMmmmBerries.

Afterwards we tempted racers with cookie handups (we are poor and don't have a lot of dollars ;). I don't blame most people for turning down a cookie during the middle of a brutal, hot cross race. But we did have some enthusiastic takers!! Maybe we should try popsicles next time... hmmm....

(Courtney cranking across the finish line)

Monday, October 4, 2010


(very muddy after a not-so-muddy race)

Headed down to San Dimas with my Bike Station teamie, Courtney. We had a fun adventure on the way down... drove through the middle of an airshow, saw a plane being followed by two helicopters, and we only got lost twice due to navigational neglect (we don't need to mention who was navigating).

We arrived a bit later than planned but kept with our agenda to check out the race course before going to our host house. The only problem was that the cross park was dark and the gates were closed. However, after a bit of searching for a parking spot and with a couple of flashlights in hand, we set out to scope the course -- nighttime cross!!! The course was very tricky in the dark and there were some added obstacles with all the critters running around. The bunnies didn't bother us so much, but when we encountered a skunk with it's tail up we decided to call it a night. We made our way over to our host house to be greeted by 3 seeing eye dog failures (super nice dogs... they just didn't make the cut) and two very nice hosts who set us up in their villa out back.

The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out at Krosstoberfest -- riding the course, cheering on family and friends, and racing! Both courses wound around on power sapping grass, with some twists and turns through the trees, and a stair step run-up. Saturday also had some gratuitous mud... just a pit of slop that made a mess but it wasn't really a muddy cross race. Both days were similar as far as the races went. Somehow I got the hole shot which was nice after having terrible starts at the USGP. I ended up leading most of the first lap but eventually ended up in second slot with a gap ahead and a gap behind. Two podiums and lots of UCI points! yay! Courtney also had a redundant weekend with two 7th place finishes (but oh so close to 6th on day 2) -- her first UCI points!! nice! My dad-n-law had the best weekend with two top podiums in the masters and C rocked the juniors and then had a nice showing in the 123's on day 2 despite some bike woes. All in all, a fun weekend of racing. It's nice that there is a promoter on the west coast who is willing to put on a UCI weekend. I know it is a lot of extra hassle and expense, but it brings out good competition and gives the west coast racers a chance to earn some points for a good starting spot at nationals. Thanks Dot!

(big rainbow)

The drive home was another adventure -- with rainbows, beautiful skies, crazy NC drivers, and a bit of panic... The gas was getting low as we hit the CA valley, but we decided to wait until the light turned on to minimize our stops... so we pass exit after exit. Meanwhile the light turns on, but the navigator is unaware of this turn of events so makes no mention of the big gas exit coming up. As we pass the turnoff with no gas for miles and miles ahead, it becomes clear that we made a big mistake! However, after a little detour, some drafting off semis, and a lot of panic (as the gas needle was below the lowest line) we made it! The rest of the drive home was smooth sailing with good tunes!

(pretty skies)